WGPO Reclassification System (Guard)

2025 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 3/1
Novice 63 65 67 68 69
SRB 65 67 69 70 71
SRA 67 69 71 72 73
IRA 67 69 71 72 73
SB 66 68 70 71 72

NOVICE CLASS will receive reclassification when the competing group receives a composite total score of the scores mentioned in the above chart, following the rest of the reclassification process for all other classes.

1. In the competitive season (excluding championships), reclassification, appeals from reclassification, and requests for reclassification must be made NO LATER THAN 15 days prior to Circuit Championships.

2. Reclassification

1. A unit placing first, second, or third in Scholastic B, Regional A and Regional B at WGPO Circuit Championships is reclassified to the next higher class for the following season. Any unit that is reclassified at the end of a competitive season MUST compete at that higher classification for at least ONE regular season contest during the following season.
2. A unit will be reclassified to the next higher classification of competition of 3 of 5 judges assign that unit a score that is equal to or greater than the designated promotion score for the week. The effect of the reclassification is notification by the Judges’ Coordinator and/or Contest Director at Critique or via email by 11:59pm on Sunday following the contest.
3. Promotion scores will be published on the circuit’s website, www.wgpoklahoma.org.

3. Any unit reclassified may choose to appeal that reclassification so that it may remain in its current lower at which they were reclassified.

4. The Color Guard Classification Review Committee will consist of the Executive Board of the circuit (excluding the Percussion Coordinator) and three elected unit representative. The unit representative will be elected by the Circuit membership at the fall meeting, serve a one year term, and must be a color guard unit director in good standing with the circuit.

5. The Percussion Classification Review Committee will consist of the Executive Board of the circuit (excluding the Color Guard Judges’ Coordinator) and three elected unit representatives. The unit representatives will be elected by the Circuit membership at the fall meeting, serve a one-year term, and must be a percussion unit director in good standing with the circuit.

6. The appealing unit will provide video of the performance earning the reclassification scores to each member of the review committee. The video must be emailed to wgpokla@gmail.com no later than Wednesday 11:59pm of the week following the contest as which the reclassification scores were earned. The appealing unit’s director may not have any other contact with the classification review committee. This prohibition extends to any member, associate, or representative of the appealing unit. By the following Friday at 11:59am, the review committee is to review the video, confer, and report their decision to the contest director and to the judges’ coordinator/percussion coordinator. The Contest Director or Secretary will report decisions to the appealing unit’s director.

7. Request for Reassignment to a lower classification: Should a director find his/her unit is in a higher classification than appropriate for his/her group, the director may request reassignment to a lower classification. The director and unit may seek reassignment only once during the competitive season, and may not seek reassignment if the unit has met the criteria for promotion as previously outlined.

8. Timing and Procedure for Requesting Reassignment: To seek reassignment to a lower classification, the director must make a formal request to the contest director and judges’ coordinator/percussion coordinator. Procedures for reviewing the request follow approximately the same steps and timeline indicated for promotion. The classification review committee will be the same as listed above. If a quorum of the review committee is present, the contest director will inform the unit director that videos of the unit’s most recent performance are not required. The contest director will convene the committee who will review the request for reassignment. If a quorum of the review committee is not present, then the appealing unit is responsible for providing video of the unit’s most recent competition performance to the WGPO Review Committee via the WGPO email address. The video must be emailed no later than the Wednesday at 11:59pm of the week following the contest as which the promotion scores were earned. The requesting unit’s director may not have any other contact with the classification review committee; this prohibition extends to any member, associate, or representative of the appealing unit. By the following Friday at 11:59am, the review committee is to review the video, confer, and report their decision to the appealing unit’s director, to the contest director, and to the judges’ coordinator/percussion coordinator. The Contest Director or Secretary will report the Review Committee’s decision to the appealing unit’s director. The decision of the review committee is final and takes effect immediately, and will be implemented at the next competition in which the appealing unit is entered.

9. If necessary, timing requirement issues due to movement between classes will be addressed by the E-Board on an individual basis.

Questions? Email Judging@wgpoklahoma.org

REFERENCE: 2023 WGI Scoring Sheets


Independent World Class
Scholastic World Class
Open Class
A Class
Regional A Class


Independent World Class
Scholastic World Class
Open Class
A Class
Regional A Class


Independent World Class
Scholastic World Class
Open Class
A Class
Regional A Class


Independent World Class
Scholastic World Class
Open Class
A Class
Regional A Class


Timing and Penalties